Two cousins drown in lake in Down

Two teenage cousins have died in a canoeing accident at a Co Down beauty spot.

Two teenage cousins have died in a canoeing accident at a Co Down beauty spot.

Claire Steele (16) and Rory McAlinden (18) were in a canoe with another friend at around 1am on Saturday on a lake in the centre of Castlewellan Forest Park. It is thought the boat capsized in the darkness, throwing the three friends into the water.

The third person managed to make it to shore and raise the alarm. It is understood this person was not hurt in the incident but is being treated in hospital for shock.

Emergency services began a search for the missing cousins, but the bodies were not recovered from the lake until around 11am yesterday. Family and friends had gathered at the lake as the search was carried out and the bodies were found.


A spokesman for the coastguard said: "They were located in the northeast corner of the lake, not very far from a small jetty. It is our understanding that they were between 30-40ft from the shore."

PSNI Supt Peter Loughins said: "Shortly after 11am police dogs and a civilian dog located in the water a body. In response to that the Mourne underwater search team subsequently found the bodies of Claire Steele and Rory McAlinden." He added: "We give our sympathy to the families involved at this time."

Local politicians have expressed their shock and a republican Easter commemoration in the town was called off.

SDLP South Down MP Eddie McGrady said: "I am deeply saddened by the enormous tragedy this Easter weekend for the Steele and McAlinden families in Castlewellan. This is a devastating tragedy for the families and indeed for the entire community here. I have known both families for some time and my heartfelt sorrows are with them."

Assembly member Margaret Ritchie, who will become a minister in the executive next month, expressed her sadness. Sinn Féin councillor Éamon McConvey said their deaths were "a tragedy".

He said: "Instead of parading round the town with the bands and maybe a couple of thousand people we have decided just to have a wreath-laying ceremony. We as republicans would just like to share sympathy and show our respect for the family."