Twinning move with Palestinian town backed

Too much emphasis was given to twinning with "sexy towns" and not enough to beleaguered ones, a Tralee town councillor said yesterday…

Too much emphasis was given to twinning with "sexy towns" and not enough to beleaguered ones, a Tralee town councillor said yesterday when the council was discussing a formal request from the mayor of the Palestinian town of Jayyous for a twinning arrangement.

Cllr Tommy Foley (Ind) said Irish people should be very aware of the Palestinian case because of the injustices they had suffered themselves.

Mr Raymond O'Reilly, who has worked with the Palestinians and mediated the request, said in a letter to councillors that the people of Jayyous were not looking for money.

Another letter from the mayor of Jayyous, Mr Fayez Hassan Saleem, to the mayor of Tralee, Mr Johnny Wall, outlines the town's isolation since the building of a wall by the Israeli army.


While their initial reaction was negative they were now open to the idea, most councillors said.

Cllr Foley said there was a readiness to "twin with sexy towns" but this was one which needed international support, and had common links with Tralee.

It was agreed that Mr O'Reilly should address the July meeting of the council.