How Ireland won relay gold: Ten photographs that tell the story of a golden night for Irish athletics

Chris O’Donnell, Rhasidat Adeleke, Thomas Barr and Sharlene Mawdsley shine in European final in magnificent fashion

Ireland's Sharlene Mawdsley is almost disbelieving as she crosses the finish line to win the mixed 4 x 400m relay final during the European Athletics Championships at the Olympic stadium in Rome. Photograph: Andreas Solaro / Getty Images

The Irish 4x400 mixed relay team came into Friday night’s final in Rome’s Stadio Olimpico as medal contenders but the night and their performance surpassed all expectations. By race’s end they were clear winners, capturing gold in a national record time of 3:09.92, a performance that also set a new championship record on one of the great nights for Irish athletics.

This is how the team of Chris O’Donnell, Rhasidat Adeleke, Thomas Barr and Sharlene Mawdsley joined Sonia O’Sullivan (1998) as the only gold medallists for Ireland in the 90-year history of the European Championships.

A ‘fantastic achievement’: President and Taoiseach lead tributes to gold medal winners at European Athletics ChampionshipsOpens in new window ]

Chris O’Donnell on Ireland's first leg. Photograph: Morgan Treacy/Inpho

Sligo athlete O’Donnell led things off and was fourth in 46.09 seconds when handing over to Tallaght’s finest, Adeleke.

The first baton change: O'Donnell hands over to Adeleke. Photograph: Morgan Treacy / Inpho

The star turn of the quartet, Adeleke clocked a 49.53 second split, handing over to Barr in first place.

Adeleke comes down the home straight in first place, Barr in lane one waiting for the baton. Photograph: Andrea Solaro/ Getty Images
Adeleke passes the baton to teammate Barr. Photograph: Mattia Ozbot/Getty

The Waterford man ran an outstanding leg of 44.90 to remain in second before handing over the baton to Mawdsley, who now had the Belgian runner ahead of her.

Sharlene Mawdsley sets out on the final leg. Photograph: Morgan Treacy/ Inpho

The Tipperary woman ran a scorching 49.40 – the second fastest split of any woman in the race (only bettered by the chasing Dutch superstar Femke Bol) – and hit the front coming down the last 100 metres, winning in a time of 3:09.92.

Mawdsley on her way to winning gold. Photograph: Morgan Treacy / Inpho

Cue delirium and unbridled joy.

Team Ireland celebrates their golden moment. Photograph: Andreas Solaro.
Ireland’s Chris O’Donnell, Rhasidat Adeleke, Sharlene Mawdsley and Tom Barr jumping for joy. Photograph: Inpho/Morgan Treacy
Enjoying the moment with Irish supporters. Photograph: Morgan Treacy / Inpho