'Some progress' in Aer Lingus talks on changes to work practices

WITH A deadline set by management late this afternoon the trade union Siptu has said that "some progress" has been made in local…

WITH A deadline set by management late this afternoon the trade union Siptu has said that "some progress" has been made in local contacts between staff at Aer Lingus and management. They are trying to resolve the row over work practice changes which could lead to a dispute at the airline later this week.

Aer Lingus has set a deadline of 5pm today for about 1,800 ground operations staff, who include baggage handlers, check-in personnel and caterers, to accept the terms of a new flexibility and mobility deal which was agreed between management and union negotiators in February.

Earlier this month the Siptu members voted by three to one to reject the deal.

Management has signalled that if agreement is not reached today it will unilaterally begin to implement the new deal from tomorrow. It has indicated that if staff did not co-operate they would be suspended and that the airline would consider out-sourcing some of its existing ground operation services.


Over recent days local contacts have taken place between management and staff aimed at providing details and clarifications of the implications of the changes for individual personnel.

A Siptu spokesman said last night that "some progress" had been made in these local contacts.

However, he said that it was too soon to talk about carrying out a second ballot of staff.

Siptu shop stewards are due to meet at lunchtime today to consider the progress that has been made. If the union believes that sufficient progress has been made to warrant the holding of a second ballot, management will have to decide whether to give additional time for this to be carried out.

As part of the new work-practice proposals staff would have been asked to work shifts of varying lengths. Airline management would also have had the freedom to move personnel between duties, for example, between check-in and boarding, during a shift.

The moves are aimed at generating savings of about € 10 million, largely through avoiding the recruitment of additional staff.

Aer Lingus has already agreed work practice changes with pilots and cabin crew which are aimed at generating savings worth a further €10 million.

Martin Wall

Martin Wall

Martin Wall is the Public Policy Correspondent of The Irish Times.