Reports on O'Hare for early release commission

Psychiatric and security reports on Dessie O'Hare are to be provided to the Release of Prisoners Commission within days, the …

Psychiatric and security reports on Dessie O'Hare are to be provided to the Release of Prisoners Commission within days, the High Court was told yesterday.

O'Hare, nicknamed the "Border Fox", has been in Portlaoise Prison for 13 years and is seeking accelerated release under the Belfast Agreement. He was jailed for 40 years in 1987 for the kidnap and assault of Dublin dentist Mr John O'Grady. Three people convicted with him have been released.

In an affidavit, O'Hare described himself as a member of the Irish National Liberation Army and officer commanding the INLA group in Portlaoise Prison.

Before Easter, he began proceedings in the High Court to be freed under the agreement. The court was told the Minister for Justice had deemed him a qualifying prisoner under the terms of the agreement and had referred the matter to the Release of Prisoners Commission.