THE Buckley Report on pay rises for Oireachtas members was branded "cowardly" by Mr Pat Magner, a Labour member, in the Seanad. Politics was a low wage job for full time or part time members, he said. It was disgraceful that the recommendation was so derisory.
At a meeting with the review group, politicians had been asked what they thought the public reaction might be. He had replied that it was not for the group to prejudge the publics attitude.
Mr Joe O'Toole (Ind) said it was time for the public to be made aware of the appallingly low level of reward for those who made full time careers of politics to participate in democracy at the highest level. Public representatives should be prepared to make their case no matter what criticism they" faced from the media and else, where.
Mr Maurice Manning, leader of the House, said he would prefer to await publication of the report. An early opportunity for a debate on it was likely to be made available, he added.