Pope condemns xenophobia in migration message

Pope John Paul condemned xenophobia today, saying too many migrants suffered discrimination because of their race or culture.

Pope John Paul condemned xenophobia today, saying too many migrants suffered discrimination because of their race or culture.

Hostility to newcomers because of "ethnic or other externalcharacteristics", different language or traditions is "latent discrimination... and a cause of grave concern to pastors and faithful alike," he said.

But he also said immigrants must strive to "honour thecountries which receive them and to respect the laws, culture and traditions of the people who have welcomed them".

In a message for the church's World Day of Migrants andRefugees next year, he urged people to open their minds andhearts rather than reject newcomers simply "because they do notspeak the local language or follow local customs".


All should "learn to discern in people of other cultures thehandiwork of God", he added.

Some 191 million people live far from their homeland,according to the Vatican. Some 175 million are economic migrantsand 16 million political refugees.