Refunds on the way as Seanad passes Water Services Bill

Bill now goes to President Higgins for signing

The Bill’s passage brings to an end bitter divisions generated by the charges, which saw thousands of people take to the streets in protest marches. Photograph: Getty Images/iStockphoto.


Refunding those who paid their water charges came a step closer yesterday when the Seanad passed the Water Services Bill.

It now goes to President Michael D Higgins, who will be asked to sign it into law.

The Bill provides for the refunding of about € 173 million, paid by 990,000 householders, as well as for the charging of households for excessive water use.


Minister for the Environment Eoghan Murphy told the Dáil earlier this month it would not be possible to refund all charges before Christmas.

The Bill’s passage brings to an end bitter divisions generated by the charges, which saw thousands of people take to the streets in protest marches.

If a customer’s address or personal details have not changed, they will not have to contact Irish Water and will get their refund automatically.

A cheque will be sent to the account holder at the address they provided to the utility.

Michael O'Regan

Michael O'Regan

Michael O’Regan is a former parliamentary correspondent of The Irish Times