Dáil fails to elect Leas Cheann Comhairle despite votes on four nominees

Ceann Comhairle Seán Ó Fearghaíl urges party whips to treat the issue urgently

Ceann Comhairle Seán Ó Fearghaíl said there had been a “very significant delay” in electing a leas cheann comhairle, and it was now a matter for party whips to discuss how to move forward.

MARIE O’HALLORAN Ceann comhairle Seán Ó Fearghaíl has urged his Dáil colleagues to deal speedily with the nomination of a leas cheann comhairle following parliament’s failure to elect one despite votes on four nominations.

Mr Ó Fearghaíl said there had been a “very significant delay” to date in electing a leas cheann comhairle, and it was now a matter for party whips to discuss how to move forward.

“I express the personal hope that the matter could be attended to by the interested parties as a matter of some urgency,” he said after two hours of nominations and votes.

Fianna Fáil candidate Pat "The Cope" Gallagher, who received most votes, was still defeated by 83 to 52, but was supported by the Labour Party, and Independents Catherine Connolly, Maureen O'Sullivan, Thomas Pringle and Independents 4 Change Mick Wallace, whose party colleagues Tommy Broughan, Joan Collins and Clare Daly abstained. The AAA-PBP also abstained. Candidacy Fine Gael's Bernard Durkan lost by 83 votes to 49. Independent 4 Change Tommy Broughan was the only non-Fine Gael TD to support his candidacy.


Sinn Féin nominee Seán Crowe was defeated by 106 votes to 33. The AAA-PBP, Independents 4 Change, the Green Party and Independents Catherine Connolly, Maureen O’Sullivan and Thomas Pringle supported him.

Independent Mattie McGrath was defeated by 117 votes to 20. He had the support of Independents 4 Change, the Rural group of Independents, Independent Alliance and unaligned TDs, including Minister for Children Katherine Zappone and Minister of State John Halligan.

A number of TDs spoke in favour of each candidate, mentioning some of their non-political experience.

Sinn Féin leader Gerry Adams said Mr Crowe was a "very, very fine singer and may lighten the darkness of your evenings". All-Ireland medals Independent Michael Healy-Rae said Mr McGrath "does possess all-Ireland medals for dancing. While others can sing, our candidate can dance," he said of the Tipperary TD.He described Mr McGrath as a man of deep faith and conviction.

“The proof is that he managed to get me going to Mass at 6pm on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Not many would have believed I would do this, but the Deputy roped me in.”

Fine Gael Kildare South TD Martin Heydon said of Mr Durkan: "I don't know if Bernard can sing or dance, but by God he is one of the best orators in the House." Mr Durkan "is known for not backing down from an issue, and is feared by most officials in departments and the county council".

Fianna Fáil’s Eamon Ó Cuív said Mr Gallagher’s experience as an MEP and TD would be a great contribution, and it would be a great advantage that he was fluent in both official languages of the State.

Fianna Fáil's Anne Rabbitte praised Mr Gallagher's mentoring. He had "given of his time in directing me and my newly-elected colleagues on the workings of the Dáil".

It is expected a compromise will be agreed between the parties to avoid a repeat of yesterday’s multiple nominee votes.

Marie O'Halloran

Marie O'Halloran

Marie O'Halloran is Parliamentary Correspondent of The Irish Times