Couple in No campaign poster ‘appalled’ at use of their image

Comedian Adam Hills claims to know family on Mothers and Fathers Matter placard

Screengrab of the Mothers and Fathers Matter poster urging a No vote in the same-sex marriage referendum. Comedian Adam Hills has claimed that the couple pictured are ‘appalled’ at this use of their image. Photograph: Adam Hills Official Page/Facebook

A couple whose image is being used on posters encouraging a No vote in the upcoming referendum on same-sex marriage are said to be “appalled” by the situation.

The couple, who have not been identified, are the faces of a poster that says: “Children deserve a mother and a father. Vote No.”

However, Mothers and Fathers Matter, the group behind the poster, said the stock image was used to put a “human face” to their message.

The group was responding after Australian comedian and TV presenter Adam Hills shared an image of the poster on social media and claimed that the couple were friends of his wife, Ali McGregor.


Mr Hills said the couple were “appalled” that their faces were being used to promote “something they wholeheartedly disagree with”.

“And yet there is nothing they can do about it.

“Regardless of how you feel about the vote - What a weird, horrible, ridiculous world we live in, in which a loving, caring, open-minded family unit can be used to advertise the very opposite of what that particular family unit believes.”

Mothers and Fathers Matter

In response to Mr Hills’s statement, a spokesman for Mothers and Fathers Matter said the couple were welcome to contact them directly.

The spokesman said: “Like many campaigns, Mothers And Fathers Matter has used a stock photo to give a human face to our message, in this case that children deserve a mother and father wherever possible.

“We don’t respond to third parties suggesting that they speak for the family who received payment for this photo, but if the couple involved care to contact us directly, we will be pleased to demonstrate how our use of this photo will help ensure that no child will be deliberately denied the love of a mother or father.”

Rachel Flaherty

Rachel Flaherty

Rachel Flaherty is Digital Features Editor and journalist with The Irish Times