Noonan got advice to apologise

THE Minister for Health received advice from several quarters that he would have to make an "unreserved apology" to the family…

THE Minister for Health received advice from several quarters that he would have to make an "unreserved apology" to the family of the late Mrs Brigid McCole and Positive Action over his "insensitive" remarks in the hepatitis C debate in the Dail.

The Taoiseach, the Government Chief Whip, the Secretary of the Department of Health and Mr Noonan's programme manager conveyed messages to him in the Dail that he would have to apologise.

The Minister did not see members of Positive Action walk out of the House, but after they appeared on RTE the Secretary of the Department, Mr Jerry O'Dwyer, told him of their reaction to his remarks. His programme manager, Mr Richard Greene, advised him to apologise and he was presented with a formula of words by his officials.

Meanwhile, the Taoiseach the Government Whip, Mr Jim Higgins, and the Government press secretary, Mr Shane Kenny, were also writing a hasty apology.


It is understood that Mr Noonan devised his own form of words from the text of two apologies presented to him.

Geraldine Kennedy

Geraldine Kennedy

Geraldine Kennedy was editor of The Irish Times from 2002 to 2011