Man held over fatal Cork assault

Gardai investigating the killing of a council worker in Cork  are questioning a 21-year-old man.

Gardai investigating the killing of a council worker in Cork  are questioning a 21-year-old man.

The man was arrested this morning in Cork city for questioning about the death of Cork City Council employee Patsy Deasy.

Mr Deasy (57), a father of two from McGrath Park in Blackrock, was assaulted as he was leaving a 60th birthday party with his wife at the Red Cove Inn in Mahon at about 12.30am on Saturday.

Gardaí believe he was punched or struck just outside the pub on Avenue de Rennes and fell to the ground, hitting his head and losing consciousness. He was taken to Cork University Hospital where he underwent emergency surgery for his injuries and was put in an induced coma and on a life support machine.

His life support machine was switched off on Monday.

A postmortem on Tuesday confirmed that he died from brain injuries associated with the assault and fall.

Gardaí have taken witness statements from over 50 people.

They arrested a man this morning. He is being held at the Bridewell Garda station under Section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act which allows for detention of up to 24 hours.

Barry Roche

Barry Roche

Barry Roche is Southern Correspondent of The Irish Times