Junta official meets Suu Kyi

Burma’s ruling junta dismissed reconciliatory moves by opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi as insincere and dishonest, dealing…

Burma’s ruling junta dismissed reconciliatory moves by opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi as insincere and dishonest, dealing a blow to efforts to engage with the reclusive regime.

The rebuke came yesterday just as the 64-year-old Nobel peace laureate met a junta go-between, which suggested lines of communication were still open, despite the disparaging remarks in the media.

Ms Suu Kyi, held under house arrest, had asked in a November letter to meet junta leader Gen Than Shwe, saying she wanted to work with his government in the interests of the country.

In a similar September letter she stated her desire to work with western countries and the junta to bring about the lifting of sanctions.


“Her letters suggest her dishonesty, and are designed to tarnish the image of the ruling government, putting all the blame on the government,” said a commentary in the state-run newspaper New Light of Myanmar.

Burma’s military, which has ruled the country for almost 50 years and is shunned by the west because of its rights record, plans to hold multiparty elections in 2010.

Since September, the international community has been encouraged by reconciliatory gestures by the junta, which has allowed high-level US and UN delegations to visit the country to meet with opposition parties and top generals.

Ms Suu Kyi had tried to harm the government’s image in her offer to work with the regime and her behaviour was “highly questionable”, commentaries carried in three state-run newspapers noted.

The commentary in state media was the first response by the regime to Ms Suu Kyi’s requests and appeared to criticise the National League for Democracy Party leader for leaking one of the letters to the media.

“The two letters reflect her dishonesty. She should have approached the government in an honest way in order to work out the stalemate,” it said.