Irishman wins 'coolest marathon'

An Irishman has won the raced dubbed the world's coolest marathon - on the North Pole.

An Irishman has won the raced dubbed the world's coolest marathon - on the North Pole.

Thomas Maguire, from Belcoo, Co Fermanagh, took first place in the annual race on Saturday. More than 40 competitors from 22 countries took part.

Participants flew from Spitsbergen in Norway to a drifting Russian ice base high in the Arctic Ocean to take part in the world's northernmost marathon.

According to the organisers, the race took place in brilliant sunshine and -25C temperatures at 2.45am GMT - still daylight at this time of year in the North Pole.


"Mr Maguire took the lead from the outset, powering his way through spectacular ice hillocks and vast expanses of white ice floes. Contestants had to run ten laps of an amazingly scenic and challenging circuit to complete the 26.2 mile distance," the organisers said today.

The Fermanagh man finished the race in a new record time of 3:36:10.

Italian adventure racer Francesco Galanzino came second with a time of 3:43:03 with Juan Antonio Alegre of Spain third in 3:56:33.

Finbarr Murphy, a Limerick-based university lecturer finished in seventh spot while Peter Bell and Paul Gray of Northern Ireland finished fifth and twenty-first respectively.

On his return, Mr Maguire will begin preparations to captain the Irish athletic team, which is due to participate in the British Isles 100k for the Anglo Celt Plate in Edinburgh on Sunday May 20th.