Hijackers of plane free passengers

Khartoum - Negotiators in the Sudanese capital have reached an agreement with hijackers of an Ethiopian plane to release 40 passengers…

Khartoum - Negotiators in the Sudanese capital have reached an agreement with hijackers of an Ethiopian plane to release 40 passengers, Sudan's Information Minister told CNN early today.

Yesterday, a group armed with guns, grenades and knives hijacked the Ethiopian military plane with 50 people on board and forced it to fly to Khartoum.

The Russian-made Antonov-12 plane landed at Khartoum international airport at 6.30 p.m. (3.30p.m. Irish time) and the Sudanese authorities established contact with the hijackers.

The hijackers had earlier released all five children and six women who were on board.