ON Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5.30 p.m

ON Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Leslie Kenton will be holding a seminar on Women, Health and Spiritual Freedom at the Abbey Theatre in Dublin. Leslie Kenton is the author of books such as Ageless Ageing and Passage to Power, and her seminar will question the benefits of standard HRT, offer natural methods to treat osteoporosis, and promote the healing powers of natural progesterone. The cost is £30. Tel: 01 2818432.

A CAMUS Information Day will be held on Thursday, 10.30 8 p.m., at the Central Hotel on Exchequer Street in Dublin. Camus is a new mental health, early intervention programme aimed at providing a community based programme for people who have been hospitalised for the first time. Camus is EU funded and participants will be involved in European exchanges. Tel: 01 2783078.

ON Saturday at 10 a.m. there will be a Breakfast Meeting for Women in the Royal Dublin Hotel, Dublin. The guest speaker is Jean O'Reilly, who will speak about recovering from an eating disorder, brought on by the stress of caring for her husband who suffered from MS, and subsequently died. The cost is £5.50. Tel: 01 4941162.

THE Irish ME Support Group will have a meeting on Thursday at 7.30p.m. at Lansdowne Manor, 46-48 Lansdowne Road, Dublin, for carers, family and friends. Tel: 01-6600885.


PAST Life Therapy is the subject of a one day seminar entitled "Other Lives, Other Selves", to be held on Sunday at Natural Solutions, 6 Clifton Terrace, Monkstown, Co Dublin. The seminar will be conducted by Rob Jayne of Woolgar Training Seminars, Woodstock, New York. Past Life, or Regression Therapy, aims to relive and release both present and past life traumas at their physical, emotional and mental roots, and to reframe chronic behavioural patterns. The cost is £50. Tel: 01-2805506.