Hacking mostly an inside job - survey

In-company computer hackers are more of a security risk than virus attacks, a new British survey said.

In-company computer hackers are more of a security risk than virus attacks, a new British survey said.

Nosey employees are blamed for attacks on computer systems, according to 86 per centof companies questioned.

The survey, for security company Integralis, found 86 per centof company directors and IT managers had problems with workers distributing offensive junk e-mails, including pornography.

More than two-thirds (67 per cent) of the 146 people questioned in April admitted they had problems with workers gaining access to unauthorised areas but only 47 per centhad experienced virus attacks.


The survey also said cyber-crime is not taken seriously, with only 50 per cent taking internal disciplinary action.

"Despite the hype surrounding the virus attacks the survey shows that the real threat comes from inside the company,"Integralis managing director Mr Paul Godden said.

"While UK companies treat cyber crime as trivial, nosey employees, hackers and other cyber-criminals will carry on trying their luck and getting away with it."