Greenpeace targets five US oil firms

Paris - Greenpeace unveiled a campaign yesterday aimed against five US oil majors for allegedly supporting President Bush's rejection…

Paris - Greenpeace unveiled a campaign yesterday aimed against five US oil majors for allegedly supporting President Bush's rejection of the Kyoto Protocol on global warming. The "Global Warning" campaign will target the non-US sales of Exxon/Mobil, Chevron, Texaco, Conoco and Phillips, the environmental group announced in a statement.

It will be "seeking to hurt their markets outside the United States until they withdraw their support for the Bush administration's rejection of the international agreement to protect the climate, the Kyoto Protocol," it said.

The move came after Greenpeace wrote to the heads of the top 100 companies on the US Fortune 500 list earlier this month, asking them to declare their position on climate change.

Exxon a major election campaign contributor to Mr Bush, said it fully supported the White House's decision; Texaco said it backed action against global warming but did not support the Kyoto Protocol, and the other oil companies had not replied, according to Greenpeace.