Garden Work

Like it or not, you almost certainly have vine weevil in your garden - unless you are completely self-sufficient and have never…

Like it or not, you almost certainly have vine weevil in your garden - unless you are completely self-sufficient and have never acquired plants from garden centres, plant sales or friends. In the flower garden, primula, fuchsia, impatiens, heuchera, cyclamen and rhododendron are particularly susceptible to their attentions. Roses, on the other hand, appear to be resistant.

Adult vine weevils begin to emerge over the next six weeks or so: keep an eye out for them hiding in dark places such as among leaf litter and clusters of pots. Check the root-balls of all plants before repotting or planting: if you find one grub, there are usually others. When potting up a container, a fine metal mesh placed in the bottom and a layer of gravel on the top will afford some protection. Plastic pots with turned-over lips are reputed to be difficult for them to negotiate.