FF TD asks for maths exam inquiry

Leaving Cert Maths - Aftermath: The Minister for Education, Mr Dempsey, stated last night that he is not responsible for the…

Leaving Cert Maths - Aftermath: The Minister for Education, Mr Dempsey, stated last night that he is not responsible for the exam process and that all complaints must be addressed to the State Examinations Commission.

He was responding to a complaint by Mr John Cregan TD (FF), who has called for an investigation into Monday's Higher Maths Paper II.

The paper "was so confusing and inaccurate that several students in my constituency are today feeling extremely distressed and this is not good enough".

One student was so distressed that she needed medical attention, he said.


Callers to The Irish Times have spoken of students convinced that they had failed maths as a result of the confusion.

The Irish Times has learned that in one Dublin school, a correction to Question 1 in the higher paper was not read out. This teacher has written a letter of explanation and apology to the commission.

The ASTI, meanwhile, will be asking maths experts to review the paper and write to the commission.

The State Examinations Commission responded that all teachers, students and parents with a complaint concerning any paper should write to the Chief Examiner, in Athlone.

The commission reassured students that marking conferences will be called, at which all complaints received will be taken into account when marks are awarded.

To make a complaint on the maths paper, write to:

Chief Examiner of Maths

State Examination Commission

Cormanaddy, Athlone,

Co Westmeath.