Exam Helpline: 1850 292827

On the eve of the CAO first-round offers our helpline will be available from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m

On the eve of the CAO first-round offers our helpline will be available from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. today with expert advice from experienced guidance counsellors.

It will also be available tomorrow. Whether it's choosing a course or deciding what to do with your results, call the helpline for assistance. You can also e-mail queries to education@irish-times.ie

Tomorrow we also publish Options 2001, a special supplement on this year's offers. It will include a full list of the cut-off points and an in-depth analysis of the trends.

Our website ireland.com will also have the first-round points available from 6 a.m. tomorrow.