Heritage Hot Spots Clare Museum

What is it? Housed in part of the Sisters of Mercy convent, Clare Museum is one of a growing number of local-authority-run county…

What is it?Housed in part of the Sisters of Mercy convent, Clare Museum is one of a growing number of local-authority-run county museums around Ireland.

Why visit?

The permanent Riches of Clare exhibition gives an overview of the county from various viewpoints: agricultural, political, architectural, religious, musical and sporting. The modern displays are built around local artefacts on long-term loan from the NationalMuseum of Ireland.

Why now?


Visitors to Ennis Book Club Festival this weekend might like to visit the museum for a breather from the busy programme of author readings, workshops and other literary events.

The historian and folklorist Dr Rosemary Power will give a free public talk at 2.30pm today about how the Clare-based O'Brien family operated in medieval times. Sean Spellissey, a local historian, will give a historical walking tour of Ennis at 11.30am today, and Jane O'Brien, director of Ennis Walking Tours, will lead another historical walking tour of Ennis tomorrow at 12.15pm. Both start from Glór Irish Music Centre, nearby on Francis Street. They cost €8. Advance booking is recommended; call 065-6843103 or see ennisbookclubfestival.com.

How do I get there?

Clare Museum is on Arthur's Row, off O'Connell Square in the centre of Ennis. You can also reach the building via the Francis Street car park, next to the Franciscan friary. Entrance to the museum is via the tourist office. Admission is free. Clare Museum is open from Tuesday to Saturdays, 9.30am to 1pm and 2pm to 5.30pm. Call 065-6823382 or see clarelibrary.ie/eolas/claremuseum.