
Quidnunc hopes not too many supporters turned up at City Road, London last evening for the rugby match between the Oireachtas…

Quidnunc hopes not too many supporters turned up at City Road, London last evening for the rugby match between the Oireachtas XV and the Lords and Commons XV. After eight years of annual matches tied in with the rugby international, the game was cancelled earlier this week because we, the Irish, couldn't get a side together. Those ready to tog out, such as Deputy Gerry Reynolds and, as ref, Senator John Dardis, were desperately disappointed, but captain, Sean Power said that for a variety of reasons he couldn't muster the numbers.

Quidnunc heard, however, that since word went round Leinster House that New Labour was fielding some old rugby league players, a number of our lads cried off. Surely not.