What's the story with RSE?

There is "confusion in the system" about Relationships and Sexuality Education, according to John White, deputy general secretary…

There is "confusion in the system" about Relationships and Sexuality Education, according to John White, deputy general secretary of the ASTI. "We have got a number of queries asking us what the story is - people don't know where they are."

Second-level teachers and schools contacting the union are "wondering whether there is a timetable requirement" for RSE, he says.

Many schools, White says, are still at a discussion and development phase, in which parents, boards of management and teachers determine the appropriate programme given the ethos of each school. "Until that phase has been implemented, there is no requirement on them to introduce the RSE programme," White says.

To date, approximately 1,700 post primary teachers have attended special training programmes.


According to the Minister for Education, Micheal Martin, who answered a Dail question on this issue in July, "the first task for each school is the development of a school policy on RSE which will outline how RSE is to be delivered in the school, using a co-ordinated whole-school approach and involving extensive consultation with parents . . .

"The majority of schools will be initiating this process early in the new school year, with a view to introducing an RSE programme during the 1997-1998 year."

According to al Martin, the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment is finalising a programme of Social Personal and Health Education (SPHE). Following its introduction, RSE will form one module of that programme.