Ian Lavery Sixth-year student, Cistercian College Roscrea: You could say that we have a pretty packed day at boarding school. We have breakfast at 8 a.m. and from then on it's all class time, rugby, hurling and study until 10 p.m. By that stage we're too tired to go anywhere else but bed.
We do get opportunities during the day to go off and watch TV or surf the internet, but I always prefer to take part in whatever games are going on. I don't miss TV or PlayStations or that kind of entertainment. It's all available to us, but we're surrounded by our friends all the time so we tend not to bother.
Sometimes I do feel a bit cut off from popular culture. When I go home to visit, chart music is unfamiliar to me. I also miss the company of girls. It's a bit weird not seeing girls for weeks on end. We don't do too badly though - lots of guys at the school have girlfriends and I'm going to a Debs next week.
The best part of being in boarding school is that you never get bored. There's always something going on - games, band practices, debates, musicals etc. I think if I was at home I would miss all the activity.
There's a great atmosphere here. We don't have problems with bullies because they are just not tolerated. We couldn't let a bully have his way when we all have to live together 24 hours a day.
I don't mind the three hours of study each night. It's just become a habit.
I want to study law at UCD, so I'll need a decent Leaving. I expect life in UCD will be quite a culture shock for me. I can't wait.