Neil Burgess bites the Big Apple

Before he completes his degree in mechanical engineering in DIT Bolton Street, Neil Burgess is hoping to sample some American…

Before he completes his degree in mechanical engineering in DIT Bolton Street, Neil Burgess is hoping to sample some American living. "You don't get much more American than New York," he says.

While Bible-belters may disagree, Neil is confident New York will offer him a more satisfying flavour of America than a trip to the west coast with his contemporaries.

"I'm looking forward to the strangeness of New York - lunatics and all. I hear that you can just walk the city streets and have adventures. You never know what's around the next corner."

Neil's friends have all succeeded in getting well-paid work in the construction sector in New York and he's hoping to do likewise. He has a floor to sleep on for the first couple of nights, and then he's on his own.


"I have enough money to last me for a month or so because I hear it can take that long to get set up. I'll link up with the Irish community there and hopefully I'll land on my feet, and even get a bit of rugby in."