Looking for grinds or looking to give grinds? A1 Tutors claims to be Ireland's first online tutor agency, putting students and their parents in touch with tutors all over Ireland. The site has an excellent design, is easy to use and boasts sophisticated features. For example, the "Keyword Notify" facility automatically informs you by email when a new tutor of your chosen subject or location registers with the site.
If the Encyclopaedia Britannica's were the only site on the web, it would almost justify the expense of buying a home computer - you can look up the encyclopaedia for free and it's more appealing to the young eye than books. If you're researching something and don't like search engines, you could content yourself within this. The navigation is first-class and it acts as a search engine for more than 125,000 other sites.
Ennis, Co Clare, is Ireland's Information Age Town. Go to the longer address below to see the Digital School Newspaper Project - four online newspapers published by secondary schools in Ennis. Byte, the Information Age Times, Fuinneamh and Flux are the respective titles, providing interesting examples of what schools can do online. See www.ennis.ie/digital-newspapers
The importance of learning how best to use search engines cannot be overstated. Believe it or not, there is considerable competition between sites, and this one is a must for teachers. It explains how search engines work, provides tutorials on how best to use them, rates them and even shows you how to track what other people are searching for. (Most searched-for word at Lycos last year? Pokemon.)
"Born with a Broken Tongue" is an alternative, innovative, radically designed site in which graphic designer Martin Casey depicts through image and sound how it feels to be a stutterer. The target audience of this award-winning site are "educators who have buried their heads in the sand and neglected students with speech problems . . . and parents who have difficulties accepting and combating stuttering".