Ferriter's appointment The word on the web

On a personal note, I'd like to congratulate Ferriter

On a personal note, I'd like to congratulate Ferriter. He helped me with my thesis a few months back by obliging me with an interview. A gentleman and a scholar. - Greenandred, politics.ie

I don't like Ferriter. His view of history is start with your conclusion and work your way back.

Code twinkle, politics.ie

It [Ferriter's appointment to the Chair of Modern Irish History at UCD] marks the end of Revisionist Era. There is now no need to rewrite Irish History to use as a weapon against the Provos. Ferriter has enough savvy to keep on the right side of the establishment without sacrificing all of his critical faculties.


Catalpa, politics.ie

A predictable continuation of Brady's policy of commercialisation of the institution . He is nearly done with the sciences and engineering so it's no surprise he is now turning to the humanities. He has been squeezing the budget for ages and has probably asked Ferriter to devise a revenue plan."

Wigmore, politics.ie

There is nothing wrong with popularising history. For far too long it has been the preserve of academic elites. However, with the exception of The Transformation of Modern Ireland, Ferriter has not written anything groundbreaking. He reassessed the legacy of Dev because the RIA asked him to."

Sham1983, politics.ie

The whole Judging Devproject represented de Valera and his life in terms of pictures and audio side by side with a written narrative, thus trying to go beyond the confines (and instability) of narratives. In that way, it was very innovative. It also pointed to the future of how historians will produce "history" . . . Might not be considered "groundbreaking" now but, then, a prophet is seldom recognised in his own land."

Cogadh, politics.ie