Dispelling the mysteries of primary maths for parents

Every level of maths at primary school from infants to sixth class is covered in the new Maths Together programme for parents…

Every level of maths at primary school from infants to sixth class is covered in the new Maths Together programme for parents. The programme, for use at home, is very comprehensive and was a huge undertaking by the author.

Florence Gavin has been very successful in providing parents with a very practical and useful resource for supporting their children's learning in maths. Even if the parent was only to use a number of the chapters at each level, it would be well worthwhile having the programme in the home.

The programme at each level is made up of a text book, a parent's book, an answer book and a dictionary of mathematical terms.

The text books are well structured, and the different areas in the primary maths programme are covered in detail and clearly explained. The addition of "score boxes" and "don't forget" cues are imaginative and will encourage and support the children in their work.


The Parents' Book gives practical guidance on routines, making learning enjoyable, assuring as much fun as possible, avoiding comparisons between children, and tips on helping the child to learn and firmly grasp concepts in maths. It rightly emphasises the necessity to take as much time as the child needs to move through the different areas, and shows where there are links between them.

Before a parent starts the programme I would advise that the Parents' Book be read. It will make the job of learning easier and more enjoyable.

Parents will find the Dictionary particularly useful as the definitions are of the highest quality, and where possible examples are given. It explains terms from the programme textbook and the school textbooks which have heretofore baffled and caused problems for many parents. The dictionary makes a valuable contribution to the programme.

The programme will be particularly useful for parents with children who are:

experiencing difficulties with some areas of the maths programme, and need extra support from parents

often absent from school due to illness or hospitalisation

entering the system having come home from abroad

going abroad and intending to re-enter our system at a later date

unsure themselves about the primary maths programme, and want to learn how they can support children with their maths work.

There are classes for parents in many schools dealing with primary maths and the programme is a valuable resource for all of these parents.

It's obvious from the manner in which the programme is presented, structured, written and illustrated that the author is an experienced teacher and parent who understands difficulties which children experience in mastering maths, how different types of children learn, and the need for a thorough understanding of what the programme involves on the part of the adults who support them.

The huge amount of detail at every level facilitates the use of the programme by any parents who wish to do so. It will make a valuable contribution to involving parents in supporting children in mastering maths.

Maths Together A home study programme by Florence Gavin - published by Blackhall Press at £32 for the infant package and £52 for each of the five other packages