Discussions under way over possible relocation of NCH

Detailed discussions are under way about the possible relocation of the National Concert Hall to the Grand Canal Dock area of…

Detailed discussions are under way about the possible relocation of the National Concert Hall to the Grand Canal Dock area of Dublin, according to the Minister for the Arts, Sport and Tourism.

Mr O'Donoghue also told the Dáil that expressions of interest are to be sought for the redevelopment of the Abbey Theatre as a public-private partnership.

Mr O'Donoghue said detailed discussions were under way between his Department, the Office of Public Works (OPW) and the Dublin Docklands Development Authority about the "adequacy and suitability" of a site in the dockland area.

Asked about the possibility of a joint development of the Abbey and the National Concert Hall at a new site, Mr O'Donoghue indicated that this would not occur. He said the existing site of the Abbey was the current chosen site for the theatre.


"The size of that site must be increased if we are to have a theatre which is worthy of the title 'national theatre' and which can celebrate Irish tradition, culture and literature in all of its diversity." It would be necessary to acquire a number of buildings adjacent to the Abbey and he hoped that would be successful.

The Minister stressed that a concert hall complex at the Grand Canal harbour site "must adequately provide a remedy for the many serious and long-standing shortcomings of the current location in Earlsfort Terrace".

However, while the current concert hall had overall space problems and very limited backstage accommodation, it was "premier in terms of the design of the building in which it is housed and its location". On this basis, "any recommendation we make to Government to relocate the hall must take account of this reality".

Any new concert hall should "have its own unique building identity, adequate surrounding public space, and it should give a sense of place".

On the Abbey Theatre, the Government had approved the Minister's recommendation for a public-private partnership to redevelop the national theatre and an advert would be placed in the EU Official Journal and national newspapers by the OPW to engage advisers to help "with the drawing up of a detailed specification for the project".

Marie O'Halloran

Marie O'Halloran

Marie O'Halloran is Parliamentary Correspondent of The Irish Times