Man charged with murder of Gareth Hutch

Hutch was shot in central Dublin in 2016

A European arrest warrant had been issued for the man. Photograph: Dave Meehan/The Irish Times

A man (35) has been remanded in custody after he was charged on Thursday with the murder of Gareth Hutch, who was shot dead in Dublin in 2016.

The father-of-one, aged 36, a nephew of Gerry "the Monk" Hutch, was shot as he was getting into his car outside his home in the Avondale House flats, on North Cumberland Street in the inner city on the morning of May 24th, 2016.

He suffered four gunshot injuries in the back of his neck, lower back and his upper chest.

A European Arrest Warrant was issued for the arrest of Dubliner Thomas McConnell, who was flown back to Ireland on Thursday.


Mr McConnell of Sillogue Gardens, Ballymun, appeared at a late sitting of Tallaght District Court before Judge Marie Quirke.

Det Insp Aidan Flanagan told the court Mr McConnell was arrested at 2.50pm at Dublin Airport and conveyed to Mountjoy Garda station where he was charged at 3.12pm.

He made no reply to charge, the court was told.

The district court cannot grant bail in murder cases and an application would have to be brought to the High Court.

Mr McConnell did not address the court and has not yet indicated how he will plead.

Judge Quirke remanded him in custody to appear at Cloverhill District Court next Thursday via video-link.

She also acceded to a request from defence solicitor Yvonne Bambury to grant legal aid to Mr McConnell. The solicitor said her client had no income. He had not been in the country and had been held for 12 months prior to his return to Ireland.

She has also asked to be provided with copies of the arrest warrants.

Three people from north inner city Dublin have already been convicted at the non-jury Special Criminal Court of the murder of Gareth Hutch.

Jonathan Keogh, 35, from Gloucester Place, was extradited back from the UK to face trial along with his sister Regina Keogh, 43, a mother-of-five from Kings Inn Street, and Thomas Fox, 33, who has an address at Rutland Court.

They had denied the charges but were convicted and handed mandatory life sentences.