THE electronics sector in Ireland is still too vulnerable to worldwide fluctuations and needs to undertake more research, according to the head of the National Micro electronics Centre.
Prof Gerry Wrixon of the NMRC, launching its annual report, said the sector, which now employs over 40,000 workers here, is "a growing, dynamic but volatile sector of the world's economy. It is fuelled by constant innovation and new product development. Because of this, it is unwise to consider that manufacturing plants alone, no matter how hitech they are, represent a stable entity in the long term."
While the NMRC was now one of the five largest microelectronics research centres in Europe, he said, "as presently operated" the centre "could not interface as effectively with the R&D development needs of recently arrived major electronics multinationals". The challenge was "to create lasting, key linkages".
The NMRC had a turnover of £7.5 million last year.
. Forfas has published an evaluation of Teltec Ireland, the telecommunications Progrnmme of Advanced Technology (PAT). Teltec was set up in 1990 as a partnership between State agencies, universities and industry to promote development through the telecomms sector.