Atlantic storm makes way for big chill

The bad weather yesterday was caused by an Atlantic storm which passed to the north of Ireland, bringing with it wind and rain…

The bad weather yesterday was caused by an Atlantic storm which passed to the north of Ireland, bringing with it wind and rain which particularly affected the east coast.

The storm also brought bad weather to Britain, the Netherlands, Denmark and to Germany, where hurricane-force winds were recorded.

A Met Éireann spokeswoman says conditions are likely to ease this morning, but winds will pick up again this evening, with gusts of up to 80km/h. Saturday and Sunday will also be windy with the chance of snow showers as the weather turns colder, especially in the west and north.

Temperatures as low as minus 4 are expected during the early part of next week, with severe ground frost at night. Low pressure is set to turn to high pressure.


"It's been an exceptionally mild winter . . . but that's going to change," the Met Éireann spokeswoman said.

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy is a news reporter with The Irish Times