Aer Lingus flight to New York delayed

Passengers on an Aer Lingus flight bound for New York have reportedly been sitting on the plane at Dublin airport for a number…

Passengers on an Aer Lingus flight bound for New York have reportedly been sitting on the plane at Dublin airport for a number of hours waiting for the plane’s wings to be defrosted.

It is understood that one wing was defrosted before the defrosting fluid ran out. The passengers boarded flight EI105 at 10.30am and still had not started their taxi to the runway by 1pm.

"The pilot told us they had run out of defrosting fluid. We were told trucks were on the way with more supplies but it looks like one inch of snow has left us in an untenable situation", one passenger on the plane told

A spokeswoman for Aer Lingus said the flight departed after ice was removed from the wings. She said the runway at Dublin airport was between 6 and 8am and during this time ice built up on the wings of a number of aircraft waiting to depart resulting in these aircraft having to be defrosted again.