Commentator Anthony Fitzsimons from Limerick kept up an encouraging and compelling patter of news from the athletics track all Saturday morning at the annual HSE Community Games in Mosney.
"Well done to all the boys and girls!", was his refrain after each race that took place to his right and to his left, around the athletics track. A large audience of parents, friends and volunteers cheered for all the competitors throughout the day.
The HSE Community Games is one of the largest sports events in the country. The finals of the games' sporting and cultural activities take place over two weekends and every town in Ireland is represented by young athletes, artists, actors and games-players. Almost 4,000 children from six to 16 years old took part in Saturday and Sunday's events.
"What's special about the games is that they are so community based. Every child can get involved, so parishes and suburbs throughout the country are represented here," Dónal Buggy, of the HSE Community Games said. "It's not just medals that they take away. With 1,800 children staying on camp they also bring away a huge sense of responsibility and camaraderie," said Mr Buggy, who first got involved in the games when he was six years old.
For Joe O'Halloran of Limerick Community Games, children's health and welfare is the main incentive to get involved in the event. Mr O'Halloran, who is in his 80s, is one of the 20,000 volunteers that make the community games possible.
Lisa Shiels from Letterkenny got a warm welcome from her team-mates after winning her heat in the Under-16, 100m race. "It felt good!" said the composed teenager, who takes athletic success in her stride. She recently came third in the All-Ireland Club Championships 100m and 200m races, but said that she wasn't too keen on pursuing professional athletics like her Community Games predecessor, Sonia O'Sullivan. "It would be too much hassle!"