The Irish Times Index

A guide to what's hot and what's cold.

A guide to what's hot and what's cold.


Middletown Thankfully, there's more to northern Irish comedy than Give My Head Peace

Pumpkins in the Bots Check out the Halloween display at the National Botanic Gardens in Glasnevin


Lost returns Are you watching it on RTÉ 2 on Tuesday? Or are you one of the Others?

Adopt a truffle Invest in a scheme in south-west France and eat or sell on your own truffles. See

Pear cider It's perry, perry nice

Olivia O'Leary Her political sketches for Five-Seven Live now in book form

Working public holidays No phone calls, no emails, and 20 things done by lunch. If you must go to work, this is how it should be


Dentists' bills €750 for one root canal. Ouch

Soggy paninis Whose idea was it to wrap them in tissue paper?

Cutting the hedgecutter flex Whoops! On the other hand it's a good reason to put it away until spring

Patterned tights Is that a cluster of spiders on your leg?

Snooty cosmetics sales people We might not be supermodels, but does that give you the licence to treat us as if we're the lowest form of life?