What to: Sow, plant and do now

Sow outdoors: French beans; runner beans; beetroot; calabrese; carrots; mini cauliflowers; chicory; courgettes; cucumbers; endives…

Sow outdoors:French beans; runner beans; beetroot; calabrese; carrots; mini cauliflowers; chicory; courgettes; cucumbers; endives; kohl rabi; komatsuna; land cress; lettuce; mibuna; mizuna; pak choi; spring onions; peas; mangetout; sugar snap; pumpkins; radish; rocket; spinach (annual and perpetual); swedes; turnips; sweet corn.


Asparagus (potted, not crowns); sprouting broccoli; Brussels sprouts; cabbages; cauliflowers; kale; celery; celeriac; courgettes; fennel; leeks; peppers; pumpkins; sweet corn; tomatoes

Do:Continue sowing seed and pricking out/ thinning seedlings; water young seedlings and plants; organise seed/seedling swaps; weed beds; net young brassicas; cover carrot seedlings with Bionet; earth-up and spray non-blight resistant potatoes with Dithane to protect against blight; pinch out side shoots and stake tomatoes; watch out for garden pests.

Fionnuala Fallon

Fionnuala Fallon

Fionnuala Fallon is an Irish Times contributor specialising in gardening