Marise Gordon Douglas Newman Good
Around Hughes Road South and Bunting Road is very popular - the houses are a good size and have decent gardens and the area has a nice settled feel.
Vincent Glavey Glavey Properties
I would buy in Cherryfield or Beechfield Roads - a lovely settled quiet area off the main road with good gardens front and back and garages to the rear. You'll pay in excess of £200,000 for a house here.
Patrick Keenan KMW
The most residential roads are off Cromwellsfort Road, Walkinstown Road and St Peter's Road and Greenhills in general. All the "musical roads" are very popular and a good first-time buyer option at around £160,000 or £170,000.
Ciaran Maher Maher Gleeson
Head towards the older areas like St Peter's Road, St Patrick's Road and Bunting Road. These houses were built in the 1950s and there's still growth left in them.
Paul Dorney Prestige Properties
Local authority houses are the most reasonably priced houses in the area and getting very popular if you can get them at around £130,000. Then the musical roads - good houses which can be bought for between £140,000 and £165,000 by first-time buyers. Cherryfield is the most popular area of all.