Irish teachers abroad: What would you change about the Irish education system?

If you had one piece of advice from your experience overseas, what would it be?

Growing numbers of Irish teachers working abroad experience an education system which can be very different to Ireland. Is there anything they do particularly well -- and which we should consider introducing to Ireland?

The Irish Times is interested in hearing from Irish teachers overseas. If you had one piece of advice for policy makers, based on a good experience you’ve had of the system you’ve worked in abroad, what would it be?

To contribute your thoughts and experiences, please fill in the form above, including a few lines about you - where you are from originally, when you left Ireland and why, where you teach now and what it is like. Please keep submissions to a maximum of 250 words. A photograph of you is optional. The deadline for submissions is November 27th. A selection will be published in the Education pages of The Irish Times, in print and online.

Thank you.