What's on your rider?

Ben Weaver talks to  Tony Clayton-Lea.

Ben Weaver talks to  Tony Clayton-Lea.

What's on your rider?Water, whiskey, chocolate, fruit, maybe some towels

What would be on your fantasy rider?I don't mean to sound pretentious but I'm more interested in playing my songs than I am in consuming my rider. But maybe one day Suzanne Goin will cook me dinner before a show.

What's your pre-gig routine?Go for a walk, sit backstage, have a drink, make phone calls, write letters, spy on the audience. (I don't really have routines.)


How do you get to the gig?It depends on how far away the hotel is. I like to walk.

What's the best gig youve been to?Chris Whitley. Because he was in another world and I like watching people when they are in another world.

And the worst?Lou Reed. He was going through the motions.

Ecologically speaking, are you closer to Radiohead Or Motörhead?Radiohead.

Who is the most famous person to have shown up at one of your gigs?My mother.

Most embarrassing on-stage moment?Maybe one time something I was playing broke, like a piano or something.

What's your crowd-pleasing number?My phone number?

Chatting between songs - good or bad?Sometimes good, sometimes bad. Have you got something to say?

Groupies - would you?Is that some kind of species of fish?

How many roadies does it take to change your lightbulbs?It depends on the band I bring - never more than five.

Have you a special stage wardrobe?Stripes.

Do you like to meet and greet fans after the gig?If they are nice and give me hugs.

Any useful stage tips?Close your eyes.

What's the worst thing ever thrown at you?Nothing.

Who's invited to your aftershow party?Who? I didn't know there was one.

• Ben Weaver plays Crawdaddy, Dublin on Sunday