Perfect Dark

16 cert, Microsoft Game Studios/Rare, Xbox 360 ***

16 cert, Microsoft Game Studios/Rare, Xbox 360 ***

Ten years is a long time in the gaming industry. So it's a testament to the developers of Perfect Darkthat, a full decade after it debuted on the N64, the game can appear on the Xbox 360 and still hold its own. The sci-fi first-person shooter arrives with only a slight reboot. The graphics have aged quite nicely and the gameplay is reminiscent of the developer's classic Goldeneye.

Good gameplay doesn't age, and the weapons menu, movement and targeting controls are very user-friendly. The violence is also restrained by today's standard, as the enemies bleed the tiniest dots of blood. Younger gamers might be frustrated by the puzzle- solving and relatively slow pace, while oldsters will find it engaging. Perfect Darkis a diverting shooter, but admittedly one that's most effective as an exercise in nostalgia.