App of the week: Albumatic


4 cert, Glad Lab, iOS
Photo-sharing apps for your smartphone and tablet are all the rage. But instead of spamming your friends and family with perfectly filtered photos of your major milestones, nights out and last night's dinner, a new app wants to help you create collaborative photo projects instead. Albumatic allows you to create an album for your family and friends, adding different photographs so they can keep track of you. But the important difference is that they can also join the album if they're nearby and add more photos. So if you're at a family event, you could have five different people feeding into an album you've created, each adding their own photos from their perspective. All they have to do is download the app for themselves and get snapping. Those who aren't close enough to add their own photos can watch the pictures being uploaded to the album in real time. The advantage is that you'll never have to hunt down photos from friends who were at a shared event – the pictures will be there, ready to go.

Ciara O'Brien

Ciara O'Brien

Ciara O'Brien is an Irish Times business and technology journalist