The Adventures of Miss Butter Frosting

Mary Help Of Christians Girls National School, Navan Road, Dublin 7, 4th Class. Illustration by Camille Boelt Hindsgaul

Miss Butter Frosting the Cupcake lived in Sweet Village. She lived in a house made of broken biscuits.

Miss Butter Frosting was sad because every time it was windy or it rained, biscuit crumbs fell on her.

Miss Butter Frosting lived with Bakey the Cherry Biscuit.

“I hate living in this house,” said Miss Butter Frosting. “The crumbs are always in my icing.”


“I love living with all the other biscuits in this house,” said Bakey.

Bakey couldn’t understand how Miss Butter Frosting didn’t like living in a house made of biscuits.

Miss Butter Frosting decided to ring her best friend, Frosty the Ice Cream Cone.

“Can we go to the Magic Wishing Well?” asked Miss Butter Frosting.

“Of course we can,” replied Frosty. “But it’s in a deep jungle that’s really far away!”

“It’ll be worth it when we get there,” said Miss Butter Frosting. She wanted to wish for a really expensive gingerbread house.

Miss Butter Frosting asked her friend Drizzle the Ice Pop to fly her and Frosty to the jungle to find the Magic Wishing Well.

The weather got really hot as they went into the jungle. Drizzle and Frosty were getting really weak because they were starting to melt . . .

Miss Butter Frosting wanted to find somewhere cold so that her friends would not melt. She spotted a river. It looked very cold, with ice in it. When they went over to the river Frosty and Drizzle jumped in.

“Aghhhh!” shouted Frosty, “ this is really hot!” The river was really made from hot chocolate – the ice was actually chocolate chips and marshmallows.

Quickly Miss Butter Frosting grabbed a doughnut from a nearby doughnut tree and it acted as a little lifebuoy and saved her two friends.

Miss Butter Frosting saw a nearby 7Up pool and brought her two friends over and dipped them in.

They were so relieved – finally they were no longer melting.

“Come on, we need to leave now,” explained Miss Butter Frosting. She was very excited to get to the wishing well and she was getting worried that they wouldn’t make it. Frosty and Drizzle started arguing because they didn’t want to leave the pool. So Miss Butter Frosting decided to leave them there and go off on her own.

On her way to the well, Miss Butter Frosting saw an expensive ginger bread house near the pool. It had a For Sale sign outside. She felt happy. “Hmm, I could wish for that house at the wishing well!”

Just then, the door of the house swung open and a gingerbread man in a tuxedo stepped out.

Miss Butter Frosting’s jaw dropped. She fancied the ginger bread man.

“Hello, are you a businessman?” she asked.

“No, I’m a Biscuit Man!” he replied. “My name is Crumble.”

“I’m on my way to the wishing well,” said Miss Butter Frosting. “I have no idea where it is! Can you bring me?”

“Yes, of course, this is brilliant, let me show you the way,” said Crumble. As they walked along, holding hands, they spotted Frosty and Drizzle up ahead. They were already at the well. They had wished for the house for Miss Butter Frosting but it didn’t work. They were so grateful that she had saved them from melting and they wanted to do something nice for her. Frosty and Drizzle were disappointed that they couldn’t wish for a house for their friend.

Crumble interrupted the friends “Don’t worry, I have a house there for sale – we can all live together!”

“That’s amazing!” said Miss Butter Frosting. Frosty and Drizzle were excited too because now they could swim every day in the 7Up pool, and it had a water slide made from rainbow liquorice.

Crumble asked Miss Butter Frosting to marry him. "Of course!" she said and they had a wedding at Frappuccino Falls, the most romantic place in the jungle.

They lived happily with their new kid – a jellybaby. Miss Butter Frosting no longer needed the wishing well – she didn’t need wishes as she was so happy.