Was your boss born between 1950 and 1958? Is it just possible that his over-confident strut down the corridor is in fact a mutation of a Bee Gees move from his highly-embarrassing 1970s disco youth?
You can find out, but your trap must be laid with great care. Everyone in the office should come to work wearing garish clothes, and, where possible, flared trousers. When the boss comes in, you must pretend nothing is wrong, but keep addressing him as "man" and offering high-fives.
The scene should be so bizarre, so surreal, that your boss will be forced to consider the possibility that he is having an LSD flashback.
Timing, now, is crucial. As he teeters on the cusp of temporary insanity, flick the switch on your secret weapon, the mini 70s disco light.
Its ridiculous, rotating, coloured lights will definitely send him over the edge, or at very least have a hypnotic effect, rendering him a jabbering, helpless shell for the rest of the week.
The 70s Disco Light, £13 (€16.50), is available from the Gadget Shop in Dublin and Belfast, and other top gizmo stockists.
Gizmo suggestions welcome: smaccarthaigh@irish-times.ie