NCB adds to mobile service

NCB has added FTSE and Nasdaq equity prices to its mobile Irish share price service.

NCB has added FTSE and Nasdaq equity prices to its mobile Irish share price service.

The service, available to Eircell WAP customers, offers subscribers instant share prices as well as graph information.

Special Savings Incentive Schemes (SSISs) may stand in the way of initial success for the Personal Retirement Savings Accounts (PRSAs), which are due to be introduced next year, Watson Wyatt has warned.

The actuarial firm has suggested that PRSAs, while offering a relatively simple and flexible pension option, will suffer initially as their target market ties money up in SSISs instead.


This may only be short-term, however. The firm suggested that the Government should be able to persuade people to put SSIS savings into pension schemes, including PRSAs, when their savings mature.