Listen | 31:13

In her column last week Una Mullally pulled no punches about the state of Dublin city centre. It is once again, she says, a dirty old town.

She writes: “It hasn’t rained much recently, so the streets are filthier than normal. I’m not talking about your standard litter here. I’m talking about grime. As the grime piles up, layer by layer – the urine, the bird poo, the chewing gum, the cigarette butts, the filth from people’s shoes and whatever other miscellaneous gunk graffitis the pavements.”

Dublin City Council is charged with cleaning the city but, Mullally argues, its strategy is visibly failing. Irish Times Dublin editor Olivia Kelly reports on all aspects of the city, and she tells what elected councillors can do about it. Presented by Bernice Harrison. Produced by John Casey.

Bernice Harrison

Bernice Harrison

Bernice Harrison is an Irish Times journalist and cohost of In the News podcast