TV3 News has learned that Finance Minister Brian Lenihan has been diagnosed with cancer. Our political editor Ursula Halligan is at Government Buildings this evening. Ursula, how serious is this? – TV3's St Stephen's Day message for the Lenihan family.
The Minister . . . doesn't intend talking to the media about anything until the new year. – Department of Finance spokesman reacting on Lenihan's behalf.
An appalling invasion of his privacy [by TV3]. – Reaction of Labour deputy leader Joan Burton.
Absolutely inappropriate. It was plain wrong. – Fine Gael's Leo Varadkar shares her view.
[He's] the spitting image of his Daddy. – Van Morrison's website announcing the birth of George Ivan Morrison III.
The comments which appeared on my website did not come from me [and are] completely and utterly without foundation. [I am] very happily married to Michelle Morrison, with whom I have two wonderful children. – Van straightens matters out.
Peace begins with a look of respect that recognises in another man's face a person, regardless of the colour of his skin, nationality, language or religion. – Pope Benedict on one of his hopes for 2010.
A systemic failure has occurred and I consider that totally unacceptable. – US president Barack Obama on the failure to piece together intercepts that could have stopped alleged bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab from boarding Delta 253.
We are ending our sponsorship agreement with Tiger Woods and wish him well in the future. – Tiger Woods sponsor AT&T brings his 2009 to a bad close.
Arresting or killing Mousavi [or another opposition leader, Mehdi] Karoubi . . . will not calm the situation. I am not afraid to die for people's demands . . . Iran is in serious crisis . . . Harsh remarks will create internal uprising . . . the election law should be changed . . . political prisoners should be freed. – Iranian opposition leader Mirhossein Mousavi in a statement on his website.