World according to Mark Steyn

Madam, - I used to have the idea that your contributor Mark Steyn was that rare bird, an American humorist with a subversive …

Madam, - I used to have the idea that your contributor Mark Steyn was that rare bird, an American humorist with a subversive sense of humour based on his being so weirdly right-wing.

Madam, - I used to have the idea that your contributor Mark Steyn was that rare bird, an American humorist with a subversive sense of humour based on his being so weirdly right-wing.

But now, in the light of the carnage in Beslan and with the continuing warfare in Iraq, and reading his column of September 6th headed, "Only Bush has plan to tackle terror", I must admit that I was horribly wrong and that, in fact, Mr Steyn is absolutely serious; deluded, maybe, but serious.

And, God help us, Mr Bush is leading in the polls. - Yours, etc.,


ARTHUR DUNNE, Blackrock, Co Dublin.