Sir, – Regarding Stephen O’Byrnes’s article (Opinion Analysis, August 4th), the problems of people who are unemployed are multifaceted, and may include the stigma attached to illiteracy.
I once taught literacy and numeracy at the Centre for the Unemployed in Cork city. Two of my students informed me of their experiences prior to attending lessons. Both these men had been sent to a meat processing plant that had job vacancies. After a verbal interview, they were given application forms to complete. Unable to read the instructions, they returned the forms and left.
The potential employer informed the department the men had refused employment. The men returned to register as unemployed and were informed their benefit was suspended because they were “work-shy”.
No one bothered to inquire why these men had been unable to accept the work on offer and they admitted they were too ashamed to admit their difficulties to the social welfare inspector. Not even their wives were aware. – Yours, etc,