Transport – back to the future

Sir, – The idea of a joined-up rail system for Dublin actually goes back much earlier than 1975 (Letters. August 31st), to Patrick Abercrombie’s visionary “Dublin of the Future” of 1914. That we have repeatedly failed to implement any transit plan of vision is to our ever-increasing cost. Without an underground, and without a joined-up transit system, any surface-transport solution, including BusConnects, is but yet more piecemeal temporising.

When you look at the sophisticated and highly integrated transit systems of some European cities, such as Vienna, it is hard not to feel that Dublin has a lot of catching up to do. Hard also to believe that a joined-up interconnector is now not even on the horizon for Dublin and Ireland (for it should really be a national issue) until 2040. – Yours, etc,




Co Dublin.